150 Holbrook Road, Holbrook, NY 11741 • 631-588-5024
Alexander, Kwame, author.
Algarmi, Wahab, author.
Allen, Charlene Y., author.
Arnold, Marie, author.
Bakes, Jules, author.
Bellaire, Jordie, author.
Bliss, Bryan, author.
Brown, Erik J., author.
Chambers, Veronica, author.
Chang, Cindy, author, illustrator.
Duncan, Violet, author.
Evans, Victoria, author, illustrator.
Furudate, Haruichi, 1983- author, artist.
Gangsei, Jan, author.
Hall, Desmond, author.
Hautman, Pete, 1952- author.
Hirsch, Alex, 1985- author.
Horan, Molly, author.
Igharo, Jane, author.
Isayama, Hajime, 1986- author, artist.
Isayama, Hajime, 1986- author, artist.
Isayama, Hajime, 1986- author, artist.
Isayama, Hajime, 1986- author, illustrator.
Knisley, Lucy, author, illustrator.
Lloyd-Jones, Emily, author.
Mann, George, author.
McBride, Lish, author.
Meiser, Britnee, author.
Metoui, Meriam, author.
Moldover, Joseph, author.
Montoya, Angela, author.
Osongco, Clare, author.
Parker, Amy Christine, author.
Patterson, James, 1947- author.
Peppins, Brianna, author.
Pimienta, Jose, author, artist.
Polonsky, Ami, author.
Price, Tirzah, author.
Safadi, Shifa Saltagi, author.
Saft, Allison, author.
Stokes, Mason, author.
Suzukaze, Ryo, author.
Thomas, Kara, 1990- author.
Toriyama, Akira, 1955-2024, author.
Vishny, A. R. author.
Watkins, Steve, 1954- author.
Wright, Julie, 1972- author.
Young, Brigit, author.
Sachem Public Library
Elseworlds: Justice League. 2.
Black star / Kwame Alexander.
Almost sunset / Wahab Algarmi.
My fairy god somebody / Charlene Allen.
I was told there would be romance / Marie Arnold.
Sea legs / [text by] Jules Bakes [art by] Niki Smith.
Wonder Woman. The adventures of young Diana / Jordie Bellaire, writer Paulina Ganucheau, artist Kendall Goode, colorist Becca Carey, letterer Paulina Ganucheau, collection cover artist Wonder Woman created by William Moulton Marston.
Dispatches from parts unknown / Bryan Bliss.
Iron Fist. Vol. 1, The trial of the seven masters / writer, Ed Brisson artist, Mike Perkins color artist, Andy Troy, letterer, VC's Travis Lanham.
The only light left burning / Erik J. Brown.
Breath of flowers. Volume 1 / Caly translator: Rob Aft.
Ida, in love and in trouble / Veronica Chambers.
How to draw a secret / Cindy Chang colors by Christina Rose Chua.
Buffalo dreamer / Violet Duncan.
The history of everything / Victoria Evans.
Haikyu! 19, Moon's halo / story and art by Haruichi Furudate translation, Adrienne Beck touch-up art & lettering, Erika Terriquez.
Dead below deck / Jan Gangsei.
Better must come / Desmond Hall.
Answers to dog / Pete Hautman.
The book of Bill / written by [Alex Hirsch writing as] Bill published by Bill licked by Bill.
Thanks for listening / Molly Horan.
With love, Miss Americanah / Jane Igharo.
Attack on Titan. Volume 23 / Hajime Isayama translation: Ko Ransom lettering: Steve Wands.
Attack on Titan. Volume 22 / Hajime Isayama.
Attack on Titan. Volume 1 / Hajime Isayama translator, Sheldon Drzka lettering, Steve Wands.
Attack on Titan. Volume 7 / Hajime Isayama translator, Sheldon Drzka lettering, Steve Wands.
Woe : a housecat's story of despair / Lucy Knisley.
Boruto: Naruto next generations. Volume 4 : the value of a hidden ace!! / creator/supervisor Masashi Kishimoto art by Mikio Ikemoto script by Ukyo Kodachi translation, Mari Morimoto editor, Alexis Kirsch.
The wild huntress / Emily Lloyd-Jones.
Tears of the nameless / George Mann.
Red in tooth and claw / Lish McBride.
All my bests / Britnee Meiser.
Portrait of a shadow / Meriam Metoui.
Just until / Joseph Moldover.
A cruel thirst / Angela Montoya.
Midnights with you / Clare Osongco.
You're dead to me / Amy Christine Parker.
Sweet Valley twins : Sneaking out / created and story by Francine Pascal adaptation written by Nicole Andelfinger illustrated by Claudia Aguirre colors by Sara Hagstrom and Lyle Lynde letters by Warren Montgomery.
Too uncool for school / James Patterson and Martin Chatterton illustrated by Jomike Tejido.
Briarcliff prep : sophomore year / Brianna Peppins.
Halfway to somewhere / Jose Pimienta.
Every story ever told / Ami Polonsky.
In want of a suspect / Tirzah Price.
Kareem between / Shifa Saltagi Safadi.
Wings of starlight / Allison Saft.
The amazing Spider-Man : worldwide / Dan Slott Stuart Immonen, penciller Wade Von Grawbadger, inker Marte Gracia, color artist.
All the truth I can stand : a novel / by Mason Stokes.
Attack on Titan : before the fall. 10 / story by Ryo Suzukaze art by Satoshi Shiki.
The champions / Kara Thomas.
Hunter x hunter. Volume 7. Nen combatant / story and art by Yoshihiro Togashi translation and adaptation by Lillian Olsen.
Dragonball. Volume 16, Goku vs. Piccolo Volume 17, The world's greatest team Volume 18, The lord of worlds / story and art, Akira Toriyama [translation: Mari Morimoto English adaptation, Gerard Jones touch-up art & lettering: Wayne Truman].
Dragon ball z. Vol. 25 / story and art by Akira Toriyama [English adaptation, Gerard Jones translation, Lillian Olsen].
Night Owls / A. R. Vishny.
Wolves at the door / Steve Watkins.
The art of us / Julie Wright.
Banned books, crop tops, and other bad influences / Brigit Young.
Death note. Vol. 1, boredom / story by Tsugumi Ohba art by Takeshi Obata translation & adaptation, Pookie Rolf.