150 Holbrook Road, Holbrook, NY 11741 • 631-588-5024
Abtahi, Olivia, author.
Azuma, Kiyohiko.
Baker, Kylie Lee, author.
Baldwin, Erin, author.
Barlow, Jeremy, author.
Blake, Kendare, author.
Blum, Isaac, author.
Brouwer, Sigmund, author.
Buffini, Moira, author.
Burke, Bee, author.
Byrne, Tanya, author.
Calonita, Jen, author.
Chen, Amber, author.
Cottingham, Kayla, author.
Cottingham, Kayla, author.
Davis, Tanita S., author.
Dean, Becky (Becky Lynn), author.
Deuker, Carl, author.
Draper, Sharon M. (Sharon Mills) author.
Elle, J., author.
Emmel, Katrina, author.
Epstein, Gabriela, author, artist.
Erman, Matthew, author.
Fanget, Frédéric, author.
Galligan, Gale, author, artist.
Galligan, Gale, author, artist.
Gomez, Halli, author.
Guron, Ravena, author.
Hand, Cynthia, 1978- author.
Holden, Elizabeth, 1981- author.
Hopkins, Ellen, author.
Hunter, Erin, author.
Hunter, Erin, author.
Jae-Jones, S., author.
Kaufman, Amie, author.
Khan, Hena, author.
Kishimoto, Masashi, 1974- author, illustrator.
Kölsch, Freddie, author.
Lambert, Jeremy, 1989- author.
Lanzing, Jackson, author.
Lay, Carol, author.
Lee, Wen-Yi, author.
Levenseller, Tricia, author.
Mancusi, Mari, author.
Marquis, Krystal, author.
Marr, Melissa, author.
McNicoll, Elle, author.
McNicoll, Sylvia, 1954- author.
Merriman, Lorian, author.
Miller, Frank, 1957- author, illustrator.
Miller, G. F., 1977- author.
Nadine, Ray, author, artist, letterer.
Ng, Freeman, author.
Ostertag, Molly Knox, author.
Pat + Jen (YouTube personality), author.
Purpah, author.
Rice, Luanne, author.
Riggs, Ransom, author.
Riordan, Rick, author.
Rodgers, Erica Ivy, author.
Rogers, Shannon C. F., author.
Romero, R. M. (Rachael Maria), 1987- author.
Russell, Rachel Renée, author, illustrator.
Ryan, Lexi, author.
Schaeffer, Rebecca, author.
Schneider, Robyn, author
Scott, Cavan, author.
Sortino, Anna, author.
Stecher, Leah, author.
Stocker, Shannon, author.
Sumrow, Melanie, author.
Tash, Sarvenaz, author.
Telgemeier, Raina, author, artist.
Telgemeier, Raina, author, illustrator.
Ukazu, Ngozi, author, illustrator.
Vidal, Juan, 1981- author.
Vitalis, Jessica, author.
Vohra, Ambika, author.
Wajid, Andaleeb, author.
Wang, Tiffany, author.
Sachem Public Library
Star wars, visions. The manga anthology / translation: E. Takagi editor: Satsuki Yamashita.
Elseworlds : Justice League. 3 / Chuck Dixon and Pat McGreal, writers Eduardo Barreto and Norm Breyfogle, artists Lee Loughridge and Noelle Giddings, colorists Chris Eliopoulos and Rick Parker, letterers.
Elseworlds : Justice League. volume 1.
Twin flames / Olivia Abtahi.
This land is our land : a Blue Beetle story / written by Julio Anta art by Jacoby Salcedo colors by Francesco Segala letters by Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou.
I am... Iron Man / Murewa Ayodele, writer Dotun Akande, artist VC's Joe Caramagne, letterer Dotun Akande, cover art.
Yotsuba&! 7 / Kiyohiko Azuma.
The blood orchid / Kylie Lee Baker.
Wish you weren't here / Erin Baldwin.
Son of Dathomir / Jeremy Barlow artist, Juan Frigeri.
Warrior of legend / Kendare Blake.
The judgment of Yoyo Gold / by Isaac Blum.
Shock wave / Sigmund Brouwer.
Songlight / Moira Buffini.
The last summer before whatever happens next : a novel / Bee Burke.
In the shallows / Tanya Byrne.
Fairy Godmother : an enchanters tale / Jen Calonita.
Of jade and dragons / Amber Chen.
Practical rules for cursed witches / Kayla Cottingham.
This delicious death / Kayla Cottingham.
The science of friendship / Tanita S. Davis.
Hearts overboard / Becky Dean.
Shadowed / Carl Deuker.
Justice League : the world's greatest super-heroes / by Alex Ross and Paul Dini text by Paul Dini art by Alex Ross lettering on JLA: Liberty and justice by Todd Klein.
Out of my dreams / Sharon M Draper.
Shadows of Perl / J. Elle.
Near misses & cowboy kisses / Katrina Emmel.
Claudia and the new girl : a graphic novel / by Gabriela Epstein with color by Braden Lamb [based on the novel by] Ann M. Martin.
Loving, Ohio / a graphic novel by Matthew Erman & Sam Beck.
The anxiety club : how to survive modern life / Docteur Frédéric Fanget Catherine Meyer Pauline Aubry.
Kristy's big day : a graphic novel / by Gale Galligan with color by Braden Lamb [based on the novel by] Ann M. Martin.
Dawn and the impossible three : a graphic novel / by Gale Galligan with color by Braden Lamb [based on the novel by] Ann M. Martin.
Boy-crazy Stacey : a graphic novel / by Gale Galligan with color by Braden Lamb [based on the novel by] Ann M. Martin.
Teen Titans : Starfire / writer, Kami Garcia artist, Gabriel Picolo with Rob Haynes colorist, David Calderon letterer, Wes Abbott.
Locked in / Halli Gomez.
Protector of the small. Book 1, First test / story by Tamora Pierce adaptation by Devin Grayson illustrated by Becca Farrow lettered by Warren Montgomery.
This book kills / Ravena Guron.
My salty Mary / Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, Jodi Meadows.
Mighty Millie Novak / Elizabeth Holden.
Sync / Ellen Hopkins.
Ivypool's heart / Erin Hunter.
Realm of lost spirits / Erin Hunter.
Ami / S. Jae-Jones.
The heart of the world / Amie Kaufman.
We are big time / written by Hena Khan illustrated by Safiya Zerrougui.
Naruto. Volume 71, I love you guys / story and art by Masashi Kishimoto translation / Mari Morimoto touch-up art & lettering /John Hunt.
Now, conjurers / Freddie Kölsch.
The night mother. Volume one, / written by Jeremy Lambert illustrations by Alexa Sharpe.
Grootfall. Vol. 1 / Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly illustrated by Kev Walker.
My time machine : a graphic novel / by Carol Lay.
The dark we know / Wen-Yi Lee.
The darkness within us / Tricia Levenseller.
Undergrowth / written by Ricky Lima illustrated by Daniele Aquilani colored by Yulia Shevtsova lettered by Andrew Thomas.
Doctor Strange. 1, The life of Doctor Strange / Jed MacKay, writer Pasqual Ferry (#1-3, #5), Andy MacDonald (#4), artists Matt Hollingsworth (#1-2), Heather Moore (#3, #5), KJ Diaz (#4), color artists VC's Cory Petit, letterer Alex Ross, cover art.
Bad dream : a Dreamer story / written by Nicole Maines art by Rye Hickman color by Bex Glendining lettering by Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou.
Sally's lament / Mari Mancusi.
More than this / Krystal Marquis.
The strange case of Harleen and Harley / Melissa Marr illustrated by Jenn St-Onge.
Some like it cold / Elle McNicoll.
Blue to the sky / Sylvia McNicoll.
Maelstrom : a prince of evil / Lorian Merriman.
Batman : the Dark Knight returns / Frank Miller, writer & penciller Klaus Janson, inker Lynn Varley, colorist John Costanza, letterer.
Not if you break up with me first / G. F. Miller.
Star Wars, hyperspace stories. Volume 3, Light and shadow / written by Michael Moreci, Amanda Deibert, Cecil Castellucci illustrated by Nick Brokenshire, Ricardo Faccini, Megan Huang, Lucas Marangon colors by David Kennedy, Nicola Righi, Megan Huang, Michael Atiyeh letters by Comicraft's Tyler Smith and Jimmy Betancourt.
I felt myself slipping / Ray Nadine.
Bridge across the sky / Freeman Ng.
Star Wars. The Mandalorian [graphic novel] : the manga. Vol.1 / adapted by Yusuke Osawa translation, Caleb Cook retouch & lettering, Brandon Bovia.
The deep dark / Molly Knox Ostertag.
Star Wars : Darth Vader. Vol. 9, Rise of the schism imperial / writer, Greg Pak artist, Adam Gorham (#42-45), Paul Fry (#44-45), Raffaele Ienco (46-47) color artist, Federico Blee letterer, VC's Joe Caramagna cover art, Leinil Francis Yu & Romulo Farjardo Jr
A hole new world / by Pat + Jen from PopularMMOs illustrated by Dani Jones.
Suitor armor. Volume one / Purpah.
If anything happens to me / Luanne Rice.
The extraordinary disappointments of Leopold Berry : sunderworld v-01 / Ransom Riggs.
Wrath of the triple goddess / Rick Riordan.
Lady of steel and straw / Erica Ivy Rodgers.
Eighteen roses / Shannon C.F. Rogers.
Death's country / R.M. Romero.
Prez : setting a dangerous president / written by Mark Russell pencils by Ben Caldwell inks by Mark Morales colors by Jeremy Lawson letters by Travis Lanham.
Tales from a not-so-bratty little sister / Rachel Renée Russell with Nikki Russell.
Beneath these cursed stars / Lexi Ryan.
Side quest : a visual history of roleplaying games / Steenz, Samuel Sattin interior flats by Aishwarya Tandon.
City of nightmares / Rebecca Schaeffer.
New Camelot / Robyn Schneider
Star Wars: the high republic. Phase 2. 1, Balance of the force / writer, Cavan Scott.
Star Wars, the High Republic The edge of balance. 3 / story by Shima Shinya & Daniel Josér Older art by Mizuki Sakakibara translation and communications, Satsuki Yamashita.
On the bright side / Anna Sortino.
The things we miss / Leah Stecher.
Stronger at the seams / Shannon Stocker.
Girls like her / Melanie Sumrow.
The queen of Ocean Parkway / Sarvenaz Tash.
The truth about Stacey : a graphic novel / by Raina Telgemier with color by Braden Lamb [based on the novel by] Ann M. Martin.
Mary Anne saves the day : a graphic novel / by Raina Telgemeier with color by Braden Lamb [based on the novel by] Ann M. Martin.
Barda / by Ngozi Ukazu letters by Wes Abbott Fourth World created by Jack Kirby.
A second chance on earth / Juan Vidal.
Unsinkable Cayenne / Jessica Vitalis.
The sticky note manifesto of Aisha Agarwal / Ambika Vohra.
The henna start-up / Andaleeb Wajid.
Inferno's heir / Tiffany Wang.
Navigating with you / Jeremy Whitley, writer Cassie Ribeiro, artist Nikki Foxrobot, letterer Miach Myers, aditional lettering.