150 Holbrook Road, Holbrook, NY 11741 • 631-588-5024
Ackerman, Sara, author.
Adams, Sarah, 1991- author.
Alexander, Tasha, 1969- author.
Allen, Jayne, 1978- author.
Andrews, Donna, author.
Andrews, V. C. (Virginia C.), author.
Armentrout, Jennifer L., author.
Baird, Ginny, author.
Barnes, Steven, author.
Bastone, Cara, author.
Battle-Felton, Yvonne, author.
Beer, Jade, author.
Berney, Louis, author.
Berry, Jedediah, author.
Besser, Jen, author.
Blacke, Olivia, author.
Blake, Olivie, author.
Bodden, Valerie M., author.
Bond, Charlotte, author.
Bowen, Rhys, author.
Brennan, Sarah Rees, author
Broadbent, Carissa, author.
Brown, Graham, 1969- author.
Brown, Rita Mae, author.
Buck, Adele, author.
Burns, Debbie (Romance author) author.
Cambridge, Colleen, author.
Cassidy, Holly, author.
Chambers, Clare, author.
Chenault-Kilgore, Monica, author.
Cheng, Melanie, author.
Chevalier, Tracy, author.
Chizmar, Richard, 1965- author.
Cho, Zen, author.
Chouinard, Michelle, author.
Clark, Georgia, author.
Clarke, H. A., 1997- author.
Clarke, Susanna, author.
Coble, Colleen, author.
Cochrane, Kate, author.
Compton, Johnny, author.
Connelly, Lucy, author.
Cook, Emma, author.
Coombs, Amelia Diane, author.
Cousens, Sophie, author.
Davis, Andrew, 1946- author.
Dawson, Delilah S., author.
Day, Maddie, author.
De la Pava, Sergio, author.
DeLozier, Elizabeth, author.
Denny, Emma, author.
Donovan, Bryn, author.
Driscoll, Sara, author.
Dugoni, Robert, author.
Elkin, Lauren, author
Ellison, J. T., author.
Evanovich, Janet, author.
Evans, Richard Paul, author.
Faison, Deanna, author.
Frey, J. M., author.
Gaynor, Hazel, author.
Gerhardsen, Carin, author.
Gilmore, Clare, author.
Gilmore, Laurie, author.
Glover, Nicole, author.
Greathead, Kate, author.
Greene, Katherine (Author).
Greenlaw, Rachel, author.
Hackwith, A. J. author.
Haines, Carolyn, author.
Hall, Alexis J., author.
Hannah, Darci, author.
Harkaway, Nick, 1972- author.
Hawkins, Paula, author.
Hawley, Sarah, author.
Hernandez, Treasure, author.
Herrera, Yuri, 1970- author.
Hobbs, Elizabeth, author.
Huang, Ana, author.
Idov, Michael, 1976- author.
Janovsky, Timothy, author.
Jensen, Danielle L., author.
Jensen, Danielle L., author.
Johansen, Iris, author.
Johnson, Craig, 1961- author.
Karrington, Blake, author.
Kawaguchi, Toshikazu, 1971- author.
Kelly, Lee, author.
Kelly, Vanessa, author.
Kenna, Alex, author.
Kim, Juhea, author.
Kim, Sŏng-il (Science fiction writer), author.
Lange, Nora, author.
Laurie, Victoria, author.
Leede, CJ, author.
Leong, Julie, author.
Lerner, Betsy, author.
Loigman, Lynda Cohen, author.
Long, Ilana, author.
Long, Julie Anne, author.
Lynch, Christina, author.
Manansala, Mia P., author.
Marske, Freya, author.
Matthews, Mimi, author.
May, Nikki, author.
McGill-Vargas, Michelle, author.
McIntire, Emily, author.
Meacham, Leila, 1938-2021, author.
Meredith, Cathleen, author.
Messud, Claire, 1966- author.
Miller, John Jackson, author.
Munier, Paula, author.
Murakami, Haruki, 1949- author.
Murray, James S. (James Stephen), 1976- author.
Newlands, Tom, author.
O’Connor, Carlene, author.
Oates, Joyce Carol, 1938- author.
Onoh, Nuzo, author.
Patterson, James, 1947- author.
Peace, David, author.
Penaranda, Chloe C., author.
Pham, Jacquie, author.
Piper, Hailey, author.
Pyae Moe Thet War, author.
Quinn, Ella, author.
Quinn, Meghan, author.
Raasch, Sara, author.
Rao, Ruthvika, author.
Rea, Kerry, author.
Rekulak, Jason, author.
Riley, Lia, author.
Rishøi, Ingvild H. author.
Robert, Katee, author.
Roberts, Nora, author.
Robinson, Rebecca, 1995- author.
Rosenfelt, David, author.
Ryan, Lindy, author.
Sage, Lyla, author.
Salazar, Noelle, author.
Seager, Chloe, author.
Shalvis, Jill, author.
Simmons, Julia Press, author.
Simone, Naima, author
Smith, Tiana, author.
Smith, Wilbur A., author.
Snowe, Jaqueline author.
Solvinic, Nicola, author.
Steel, Danielle, author.
Straley, John, 1953- author.
Sutton, Lilli, author.
Swinson, Kiki, author
Thorne, Rebecca, 1991- author.
VanderMeer, Jeff, author.
Ward, J. R., 1969- author.
Waters, Martha, 1988- author.
Wees, Alyssa, author.
Wilde, Lori, author.
Williams, Beatriz, author.
Williams, Tad, author.
Wilson, Sariah, author.
Winters, Demi, author.
Yarros, Rebecca, author.
Sachem Public Library
The Maui effect / by Sara Ackerman.
The temporary roomie : a novel / Sarah Adams.
Death by misadventure / Tasha Alexander.
The most wonderful time : a novel / Jayne Allen.
Rockin' around the chickadee / Donna Andrews.
Dreaming of autumn skies / V.C. Andrews.
Frigid / Jennifer L. Armentrout.
Christmas Eve love story / Ginny Baird.
Star Wars : Mace Windu : the glass abyss / Steven Barnes
Ready or not : a novel / Cara Bastone.
Curdle Creek : a novel / Yvonne Battle-Felton.
The memory dress : a novel / Jade Beer.
Double barrel bluff : a novel / Lou Berney.
The naming song / Jedediah Berry.
Dirty Diana : a novel / Jen Besser and Shana Feste.
A new lease on death : a mystery / Olivia Blacke.
Januaries : stories of magic & betrayal / Olivie Blake.
Trusting his promise / Valerie M. Bodden.
The bloodless princes / Charlotte Bond.
We three queens / Rhys Bowen.
Long live evil / Sarah Rees Brennan
The songbird & the heart of stone : a Crowns of Nyaxia novel / Carissa Broadbent
Clive Cussler Desolation code : a novel / Graham Brown.
Time will tell : a novel / Rita Mae Brown illustrated by Lee Gildea.
The anti-social season / Adele Buck
Home is where your bark is / Debbie Burns.
Murder takes the stage / Colleen Cambridge.
The Christmas countdown / Holly Cassidy.
Shy creatures : a novel / Clare Chambers.
The jewel of the blues / Monica Chenault-Kilgore.
The burrow : a novel / Melanie Cheng.
The glassmaker / Tracy Chevalier.
Memorials : a novel / Richard Chizmar.
Friend zone experiment / Zen Cho.
The serial killer guide to San Francisco : a mystery / Michelle Chouinard.
Most wonderful / Georgia Clark.
Metal from heaven : a confession at the end / August Clarke.
The wood at midwinter / Susanna Clarke illustrated by Victoria Sawdon.
I think I was murdered / Colleen Coble, Rick Acker.
Wake up, Nat & Darcy / Kate Cochrane.
Devils kill devils / Johnny Compton.
Death at a Scottish Christmas / Lucy Connelly.
You can't hurt me : a novel / Emma Cook.
Drop dead sisters / Amelia Diane Coombs.
Is she really going out with him? : a novel / Sophie Cousens.
Disturbing the bones / Andrew Davis and Jeff Biggers.
It will only hurt for a moment / Delilah S. Dawson.
Deadly crush / Maddie Day.
Every arc bends its radian : a novel / Sergio de la Pava.
Eleanore of Avignon : a novel / Elizabeth DeLozier.
All the painted stars / Emma Denny.
Her knight at the museum / Bryn Donovan.
Summit's edge / Sara Driscoll.
Beyond reasonable doubt / Robert Dugoni.
Scaffolding : a novel / Lauren Elking.
A very bad thing / J. T. Ellison.
Now or never : thirty-one on the run / Janet Evanovich.
Christmas in Bethel / Richard Paul Evans.
Playmaker / Deanna Faison.
Time and tide / J.M. Frey.
Christmas with the queen : a novel / Hazel Gaynor and Heather Webb.
The Saint / Carin Gerhardsen, translated by Paul Norlen.
Perfect fit : a novel / Clare Gilmore.
The Christmas tree farm / Laurie Gilmore.
The improvisers : a murder and magic novel / Nicole Glover.
The book of George : a novel / Kate Greathead.
The lake of lost girls: a novel / Katherine Greene.
The Woodsmoke women's book of spells : a novel / Rachel Greenlaw.
Toto / A. J. Hackwith.
Blue Christmas bones / Carolyn Haines.
Pansies : a spires story / Alexis Hall.
Murder at the Lemonberry Tea/ Darci Hannah.
Karla's choice : a John Le Carré novel / Nick Harkaway.
The blue hour : a novel / Paula Hawkins.
Servant of Earth / Sarah Hawley.
Girls from da hood 15 / Treasure Hernandez, Katt, Marcus Weber.
Season of the swamp : a novel / Yuri Herrera translated from the Spanish by Lisa Dillman.
Misery hates company : a novel / Elizabeth Hobbs.
The striker / Ana Huang.
The collaborators : a novel / Michael Idov.
The merriest misters / Timothy Janovsky.
The Bridge Kingdom / Danielle L. Jensen.
The traitor queen / Danielle L. Jensen.
On the hunt / Iris Johansen.
Tooth and claw / Craig Johnson.
Deeper than love / Blake Karrington.
Before we forget kindness : a novel / Toshikazu Kawaguchi translated from the Japanese by Geoffrey Trousselot.
The starlets : a novel / Lee Kelly, Jennifer Thorne.
Murder in Highbury / Vanessa Kelly.
Burn this night : a novel / Alex Kenna.
City of night birds : a novel / Juhea Kim.
Blood of the old kings / Sung-il Kim translated by Anton Hur.
Us fools : a novel / by Nora Lange.
A trinket for the taking / Victoria Laurie.
American rapture / CJ Leede.
The teller of small fortunes / Julie Leong.
Shred sisters : a novel / Betsy Lerner.
The love elixir of Augusta Stern : a novel / Lynda Cohen Loigman.
Pickleballers / Ilana Long.
The beast takes a bride / Julie Anne Long.
Pony confidential / Christina Lynch.
Guilt and ginataan / Mia P. Manansala.
Swordcrossed / Freya Marske.
The muse of Maiden Lane / Mimi Matthews.
This motherless land / Nikki May.
American ghoul / Michelle McGill-Vargas.
Hexed : a never after novel / Emily McIntire.
April storm : a novel / Leila Meacham.
Fat girls dance / Cathleen Meredith.
This strange eventful history : a novel / Claire Messud.
Batman : resurrection / John Jackson Miller.
The night woods / Paula Munier.
The city and its uncertain walls / Haruki Murakami translated from the Japanese by Philip Gabriel.
You better watch out / James S. Murray and Darren Wearmouth.
Only here, only now : a novel / Tom Newlands.
You have gone too far / Carlene O'Connor.
Flint Kill Creek : stories of mystery and suspense / Joyce Carol Oates.
Where the dead brides gather / by Nuzo Onoh
Lies he told me / James Patterson and David Ellis.
Munichs : a novel / David Peace.
The stars are dying / Chloe C. Penaranda.
Those opulent days : a mystery / Jacquie Pham.
All the hearts you eat / Hailey Piper.
I did something bad / Pyae Moe Thet War.
A Worthington wedding / Ella Quinn.
How my neighbor stole Christmas / Meghan Quinn.
The nightmare before kissmas / Sara Raasch.
The fertile earth : a novel / Ruthvika Rao.
The jewel of the isle / Kerry Rea.
The last one at the wedding : a novel / Jason Rekulak.
Puck & prejudice : a novel / Lia Riley.
Brightly shining : a novel / Ingvild Rishøi translated from the Norwegian by Caroline Waight.
Court of the vampire queen / Katee Robert.
The mirror / Nora Roberts.
The serpent and the wolf / Rebecca Robinson.
The more the terrier / David Rosenfelt.
Cold snap / Lindy Ryan.
Lost and lassoed / Lyla Sage.
The lies we leave behind / Noelle Salazar.
Open minded : a novel / Chloe Seager.
The summer escape : a novel / Jill Shalvis.
Begonia Brown : a Philadelphia story / Julia Press Simmons.
Church girl / Naima Simone.
Mr. Nice Spy / Tiana Smith.
Fire on the horizon / Wilbur Smith with Imogen Robertson.
Christmas sweater weather / Jaqueline Snowe.
The hunter's daughter / Nicola Solvinic.
Trial by fire : a novel / Danielle Steel.
Big breath in / John Straley.
Running Out of Air / Lilli Sutton.
Amber alert / Kiki Swinson
A pirate's life for tea : a cozy fantasy where love sets sail / Rebecca Thorne.
Absolution : a Southern Reach novel / Jeff VanderMeer.
A bloom in winter / J. R. Ward.
Christmas is all around / Martha Waters.
We shall be monsters : a novel / Alyssa Wees.
A cowboy for Christmas / Lori Wilde.
The author's guide to murder : a novel / Beatriz Williams, Lauren Willig and Karen White.
The navigator's children / Tad Williams.
A tribute of fire / Sariah Wilson.
The Road of Bones / Demi Winters.
Variation : a novel / Rebecca Yarros.