150 Holbrook Road, Holbrook, NY 11741 • 631-588-5024
Armentrout, Jennifer L., author.
Ascher, Aurora author.
Austin, Emily (Emily R.), author.
Bailey, Tessa, author.
Ballard, Falon, author.
Bamford, Krystelle, author.
Barry, Ava, author.
Besser, Jen, author.
Boland, Shalini, author.
Borison, B. K., author.
Boyle, William, 1978- author.
Buchanan, Amy, author.
Burke, Alafair, author.
Burke, Ava, author.
Byrne, James (Suspense fiction writer), author.
Calhoun, Ada, author.
Crocker, Ed, author.
Davis, Krista, author.
Desai, Anita, 1937- author.
Dess, Sophie Madeline, author.
Dorabji, Tara, author
Eckstine, Erin Crosby, author.
El-Arifi, Saara, author.
Everett, Rupert, author.
Farnsworth, Christopher, author.
Fawcett, Heather (Heather M.), author.
Feeney, Alice, author.
Feito, Virginia, author.
Finder, Joseph, author.
Fisher, Suzanne Woods, author.
Forest, Kristina, author.
Francis-Sharma, Lauren, author.
Garcia, Jessie, 1970- author.
Glenn, Roy, author.
Goodman, Allegra, author.
Greaney, Mark, author.
Hart, Livy, author
Hazelwood, Ali, author.
Hegde, Swati, author.
Heredia, Alejandro, author.
Holland, Sam (Novelist), author.
Holmes, Linda (Radio talk show host) author.
Jane, Emily, author.
Johnson, Nancy, author.
Keeland, Vi, author.
Keenan, Elizabeth McCullough, author.
Kellerman, Jonathan, author.
Klassen, Julie, 1964- author.
Koval, Kristin, author.
Krouse, Erika, author.
Lange, Tracey, author.
Larsen, Melissa, author.
Lipman, Elinor, author.
Lorini, Letizia, author.
Maehrer, Hannah Nicole, author.
McCall Smith, Alexander, 1948- author.
McCluskey, Laura, author.
McFadden, Freida, author.
McMahon, John, 1970- author.
Mirvis, Tova, author.
Moke, Jenny Elder, author.
Moon, Shara, author.
Moyes, Jojo, 1969- author.
Murray, Victoria Christopher, author.
Nelson, Suzanne, author.
Nesbø, Jo, 1960- author.
O’Connor, Joseph, author.
Ogundiran, Tobi, author.
Patterson, James, 1947- author.
Patterson, James, 1947- author.
Peters, Amanda, author.
Peñaranda, Chloe C., author.
Pliego, Ande, author.
Puchner, Eric, author.
Quinn, Frances (Journalist), author.
Richardson, Tati, author.
Ridley, Erica, author.
Rose, Lucy, 1996- author.
Ryan, Kennedy, author.
Sarsfield, Margie, author.
Shamieh, Betty, author.
Sligar, Sara, author.
Smith, Ali, 1962- author.
Soffer, Jessica, author.
Spotswood, Stephen, author.
Sullivan, Emily, author.
Tara, Jane, author.
Tiffany, Grace, 1958- author.
Tizzard, Gemma, author.
Turow, Scott, author.
Tyler, Anne, author.
Vasti, Alexandra, author.
Wade, Kevin, author.
Walker, Karen Thompson, author.
Weaver, Brynne, author.
Williams, Racquel, 1978- author.
Wink, Callan, author.
Winters, Julian, author.
Yarros, Rebecca, author.
Sachem Public Library
Scorched / Jennifer L. Armentrout.
My funny demon Valentine / Aurora Ascher.
We could be rats / Emily Austin.
Dream girl drama : a novel / Tessa Bailey.
Change of heart : a novel / Falon Ballard.
Idle grounds : a novel / Krystelle Bamford.
Shoot the moon / Ava Barry.
Oromay / Baalu Girma translated from the Amharic by David DeGusta and Mesfin Felleke Yirgu.
Diana in love / Jen Besser and Shana Feste.
The honeymoon / Shalini Boland.
First-time caller / B.K. Borison.
Saint of the Narrows Street / William Boyle.
Let's call a truce : a novel / Amy Buchanan.
The note / Alafair Burke.
Haunting and homicide : a ghost tour mystery / Ava Burke.
Chain reaction : a Dez Limerick thriller / James Byrne.
Crush : a novel / Ada Calhoun.
Lightfall / Ed Crocker.
The Wagtail murder club / Krista Davis.
Rosarita / Anita Desai.
What you make of me : a novel / Sophie Madeline Dess.
Call her freedom : a novel / Tara Dorabji.
Junie : a novel / Erin Crosby Eckstine.
Cursebound : a novel / Saara El-Arifi.
The American no : stories / Rupert Everett.
Robert B. Parker's buried secrets : a Jesse Stone novel / Christopher Farnsworth.
Emily Wilde's compendium of lost tales : a novel / Heather Fawcett.
Beautiful ugly / Alice Feeney.
Victorian psycho : a novel / Virginia Feito.
The oligarch's daughter : a novel / Joseph Finder.
A year of flowers : a 4-in-1 novella collection / Suzanne Woods Fisher.
The love lyric / Kristina Forest.
Casualties of truth : a novel / Lauren Francis-Sharma.
The business trip / Jessie Garcia.
This time, baby / Roy Glenn.
Isola : a novel / Allegra Goodman.
Midnight black / Mark Greaney.
The great dating fake-off / Livy Hart
Deep end / Ali Hazelwood.
Can't help faking in love : a novel / Swati Hegde.
Loca : a novel / Alejandro Heredia.
The puppet master / Sam Holland.
Back after this : a novel / Linda Holmes.
Black woods, blue sky : a novel / Eowyn Ivey botanical illustrations by Ruth Hulbert.
Here beside the rising tide : a novel / Emily Jane.
People of means : a novel / Nancy Johnson.
The invitation / Vi Keeland.
Trust issues : a novel / Elizabeth McCullough Keenan and Greg Wands.
Open season : an Alex Delaware novel / Jonathan Kellerman.
The seaside homecoming / Julie Klassen.
Penitence : a novel / Kristin Koval.
Save me, stranger : stories / Erika Krouse.
What happened to the McCrays? : a novel / Tracey Lange.
The lost house / Melissa Larsen.
Every Tom, Dick & Harry : a novel / Elinor Lipman.
The wedding menu / Letizia Lorini.
Apprentice to the villain / Hannah Nicole Maehrer.
Looking for you / Alexander McCall Smith.
The wolf tree / by Laura McCluskey.
The crash / Freida McFadden.
Head cases : a novel / John McMahon.
We would never : a novel / Tova Mirvis.
She doesn't have a clue : a novel / Jenny Elder Moke.
Let us march on : a novel / Shara Moon.
We all live here / Jojo Moyes.
Harlem rhapsody / Victoria Christopher Murray.
The librarians of Lisbon / Suzanne Nelson.
Blood ties : a novel / Jo Nesbo translated from the Norwegian by Robert Ferguson.
The ghosts of Rome / Joseph O'Connor.
At the fount of creation / Tobi Ogundiran.
Paranoia : a Detective Michael Bennett thriller / James Patterson and James O. Born.
The Texas murders / James Patterson and Andrew Bourelle.
Waiting for the long night moon : stories / Amanda Peters.
The night is defying / Chloe C. Peñaranda.
You are fatally invited : a novel / Ande Pliego.
Dream state : a novel / Eric Puchner.
The lost passenger : a novel / Frances Quinn.
Losing sight / Tati Richardson.
Hot earl summer / Erica Ridley.
The lamb : a novel / Lucy Rose.
Reel / Kennedy Ryan.
Beta vulgaris : a novel / Margie Sarsfield.
Too soon : a novel / Betty Shamieh.
Vantage point / Sara Sligar.
Gliff : a novel / Ali Smith.
This is a love story : a novel / Jessica Soffer.
Dead in the frame : a Pentecost and Parker mystery / Stephen Spotswood.
Duchess material / Emily Sullivan.
Tilda is visible : a novel / Jane Tara.
The owl was a baker's daughter : the continuing adventures of Judith Shakespeare / Grace Tiffany.
Grace of the Empire State : a novel / Gemma Tizzard.
Presumed guilty / Scott Turow.
Three days in June / Anne Tyler.
Earl crush : a novel / Alexandra Vasti.
Johnny Careless : a novel / Kevin Wade.
The strange case of Jane O. : a novel / Karen Thompson Walker.
Scythe & sparrow / Brynne Weaver.
Chosen by a Jamaican bad boy / Racquel Williams.
Beartooth / Callan Wink.
I think they love you / Julian Winters.
Onyx storm / Rebecca Yarros.