Study Space on the Lower Level Will Be Limited Due to Construction (Thurs 3/27 to Wed 4/2)

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Sachem Public Library
Sachem Public Library

150 Holbrook Road, Holbrook, NY 11741 • 631-588-5024

Mon – Fri:9:30am – 9:00pm Sat:9:30am – 5:00pm Sun:12:00pm – 4:00pm
more info


How to Apply for an Adult Library Card

Applicants can either complete an online library card application or apply in person at the Main Desk. Your library card will be processed as soon as it is received, and you will be notified via e-mail with information about your new card. Library cards will be mailed to the residential address supplied in the form.

Applying for Children’s and Teen Cards:
You may register your child, from infancy through the 5th grade, for a children’s library card.

A child is eligible for a teen library card on May 15th of the year he/she completes 5th grade.

Library Card Renewals:
Your library card is valid for 5 years. In order to renew your card, you must present proof of residency or ownership within the district. Library cards must be clear of all delinquencies and/or fines before they can be renewed.

Getting Started: 
From the webpage under ACCOUNT, click on SIGN IN. Click on Create a password or forgot my password.

LoAn Period Material Type Late Fine
2 Days
  • Museum Adventure Pass
  • $20 per day
7 Days
  • Library of Things (14 days for hotspot only)
  • DVD/BLURAY/VIDEO GAMES (2 per card)
  • American Doll Kits
  • Teen Community Service Kits
  • .50 per day
  • Fine Free
  • Fine Free
  • Fine Free
14 Days
  • WIFI Hotspot
  • New Books (Adult & Teen)
  • Play-Away View/Launchpad
  • .50 per day
  • Fine Free
  • Fine Free
28 Days
  • Books
  • Audiobooks
  • Music
  • Magazines
  • Fine Free
  • Fine Free
  • Fine Free
  • Fine Free
  • All eligible materials will automatically renew a maximum of six times. Items may not renew if there are outstanding requests or the account is not in good standing. Notifications of due dates are sent via e-mail.
  • Maximum fine for equipment is $10 each.
  • The replacement cost of items will be charged if they are returned damaged or are overdue by 6 months.
  • Due dates of borrowed materials: click on “Items currently checked out.” You can sort by date, renew all items, or renew selected items. Select an item by clicking in the box to the left. If no renewal is available, no check box will appear. (Note: You may not renew items that have outstanding holds or have reached a maximum number of renewals.)
  • Contact Information, enables you to:
    • Create a Username in place of your barcode when logging into your library account. Enter an easy-to-remember, unique username into the field labeled “username” and click Submit. (Your username will not be accepted if there is a space between words. Try using an underscore instead.) If the username you have selected is not already in use, it will now be available to use in place of your barcode.
    • Update Email Address.
    • Receive Text Message Alerts. This option permits you to receive text messages notifications for holds pick up and renewals.
  • Search the catalog/ manage holds:  Click in the blank search box at the top of the screen. When you’ve found the item, click “Request.” At the login screen, enter your barcode and password.
  • To cancel a request, click on “requests (holds).” Select the requests you wish to cancel by clicking in the box to the left of the title and click “Update Holds.” The canceled request will be removed from the list.
  • To “freeze” requests, select the requests you wish to freeze by clicking in the box to the right of the title and click “Update Holds.” Your requests will be suspended until you “unfreeze” them. You will not lose your place in the queue. When you are available to check out items, you can “unfreeze” your requests. This option is particularly useful if you expect to be out of town or unavailable to pick up materials. Please note that your requested materials will not become available until you “unfreeze” your requests.
  • Preferred Searches: is a list of catalog searches that you have saved. You will be updated via e-mail of newly added titles which may be of interest to you based on your preferred searches.
  • My Lists: is a feature you create while searching the catalog. “My Lists” saves titles which you would like to request or borrow in the future. This feature will also alert you to possibly duplicating what you may have already checked out by comparing your list with your Reading History list.
  • My Reading History: is a feature that maintains a list of books you’ve borrowed. To activate this feature, select “Opt In.” A history of your borrowed and returned items will now begin. You may delete any or all items in the list at any time. To stop recording a list of items you have borrowed, click “Opt Out.”


Pay Fines Online
Sachem Library fines and bills totaling over $1.00 may be paid online using Visa© and MasterCard©. Within the “My Account” section, select “Unpaid fines and bills.” Click on “Pay Your Library Fines Online,” and select the fines you wish to pay. Complete the form and click “Submit.”

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